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    Terms for lessons

     Terms for lessons (valid as of 01/2025)

    • Each lesson is held as a 45 min.-unit, if not negotiated differently (e.g. 60 min.).  
    • The payment of the lessons have to be done in advance by monthly payment (to pay within the first week of each month or the last week of the fore-month in cash, always dependent to he amount of weekdays of the month = 4 or 5 days). Any carriage drive will be charged with + je 5.- EUR / day). 
    I offer a price-model for my students (for more prices please check my Preislist):
    • Price-Model: a private single lesson is starting at 35,- EUR/hour. The payment of these lessons have to be done in advance by monthly payment (to pay within the first week of each month or the last week of the fore-month in cash, always dependent to he amount of weekdays of the month = 4 or 5 weekdays), and have to be payed 12 Months a year unaffected by any casualties like holidays, illnesses or any other failures dependent on the student.

    Example Price:  4 x 45 min. (private single-)lessons cost 140.- EUR per Month x 12 Months.
    (Hint: at 5 Weekdays of a month those 5 days x 35,- EUR = 175.- EUR/Month have to be payed !).  

    • Hours that are beeing canceled by the student will always be counted as fully done, wether what reason the hours are beeing canceled (holidays, sickness or else).  In some cases it is possible to find another alternative date, but there is no garanty for this.
    The student has to cancel his hours in advance as soon as possible (via eMail or phone).
    With this price-model the student receives +/- 14 hours more each year which makes a financial saving of 300.- EUR / year.
    Please take in account that musicschools dont provide any lessons within the holiday-times, even if hours always have to fully be payed! Thus you will receive about 3 ½ Months less hours per year with these schools. The lessons with me aren´t less qualified but cheaper instead than in any musicschool

    Lessons that are beeing canceled by myself (wether what reason), will always be caught up on at a later date (mainly with double-hours or extended hours like 60.min); nevertheless no fincanial clearing or credit of any payed hours is done!
    • A termination period of full three month is as negotiated.  
    • Changed of the contract have to be in written form.  
    • If any single points of this contract be ineffective juridically so all the other arrangements of it should be kept untouched remain furthermore her full validity.  
    With coupons additionally the respective details of the coupon action are valid (e.g. 3 months, 6 months or
    12 months validity, expiration date etc.). The validation of coupons are bound to the german law.
    Additionally in each case the current Terms for lessons are valid.


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